Never back down: The Darren Fletcher experience

There are key moments, which often define a footballer’s career.

Zidane’s volley against Leverkusen, Aguero’s injury time league winner, Cantona’s audacious chip and Wayne Rooney’s overhead kick. These moments come to the biggest of players at the biggest of occasions. They prove the difference between a good player, and a player at their peak. Darren Fletcher however, never reached such a poetic crescendo. Instead, he was diagnosed with a condition that could’ve ended his life, let alone his career. Yet, like he had done time again, Fletcher fought the good fight. Though he might not have won, Fletcher’s career stands as the shining example of the indomitable spirit. A rare representation of true grit, in a world ruled by technical mastery.

Despite a rapid rise through the youth ranks of United, Darren Fletcher’s start was marred by injuries. Despite his undeniable talent, he flattered to deceive. Some parties believed that Fletcher’s selection was down to him being the only Scot in Sir Alex’s team. However, he slowly began winning everyone over. The Denzil Haroun Reserve Player of the Year award, stood as a first of many testaments of the Scot’s ability

This proved another struggle, as he often played second fiddle to the likes of Beckham and Keane. While other’s would’ve moved on to easier pastures, the competition only served to strengthen his resolve. His key performances leading up to United’s 2004 F.A Cup win, proved his utility as a squad player. He took every starting opportunity before him and began to establish himself.

Fletcher teen

With the departures of Keane and Beckham, Fletcher was pipped to be the cog in United’s midfield. However, Ferguson preferred the quartet of Hargreaves, Ronaldo, Nani and Scholes in midfield, pushing Fletcher further down the pecking order. When push inevitably came to shove, Fletcher solidified himself in the team once again. With the injury to Hargreaves, Fletcher added dynamism to the duo of Scholes and Carrick, and served as Untied’s power house midfielder, all through the 2008-09 Champions League campaign. A highly controversial yellow card ruled him out of the final, leading Barcelona’s to dismantle United at Rome. The game served to starkly highlight Fletcher’s irreplaceability. Jose Mourinho had famously commented before the final,

“Fletcher is more important than people think. His work in midfield, especially in the midfield ‘wars’, in crucial matches is very important. Man United will miss his pace and aggression in defensive actions: he ‘eats’ opponents in defensive transition. I believe Xavi and Andres Iniesta are happy Fletch is not playing.”

Wether or not Fletcher could’ve saved United against the best Barcelona generation since Cruyff, is debatable. However he would’ve given United something he always has- The Ability to fight.

Having being diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis before the final, Fletcher realised that he would’ve have to spend time on the sidelines. However, two whole years were longer than anyone expected. His departure from United didn’t leave them crippled, but it took away industry and belief, which they are yet to replicate. The likes of Anderson and Cleverley flattered to deceive, leaving the once feared United midfield, the weakest limb of their side. What was perhaps more painful than watching United’s midfield, was Fletcher’s own personal battle.

In a recent interview, Fletcher revealed what he had been going through. Before, fans found it hard to understand the rare ailment that inflicted him. After his reveal however, many were left feeling sick to their own stomach, after realising the agonies he had to endure.

fletch and saf

The physical strain however was only part of it. The mental anguish he underwent was nothing short of traumatic. The sheer inability to do anything with his children, left Fletcher in a state of withdrawal few would comprehend. In the world of modern football, the most common mental issues we seem to find are when a striker goes through a dry spell, or when a team go on a losing run. What Fletcher had to undergo was slowly making him lose the will to live. He often had to come to terms with his own mortality, He once said,

‘But then that day arrives, when you realise that life is just non-existent, you are almost begging them to take you. You go from putting off surgery and being petrified of it to this sense of desperation; you’re that low, you’re like “take me now”.’

Apart from the scores of United fans, supporting all the way, Fletcher also had a very close aid. The biggest man at Old Trafford, Sir Alex, was personal source of comfort in Fletcher’s most painful moments. He dealt with the injury the utmost respect and privacy. Fletcher would often wonder what part he had to play in United’s future. Ferguson understood Feltcher’s struggle, yet believed more than anyone (even Fletcher himself) that he was going to fight it off, much like he had done everything in his life.

Early this season, Fletcher began to re-emerge. However six years of battling with an illness that seriously undermined his ability to make the most of the considerable talent he possesses. He showed pangs of his old ability against Real Madrid, in a preseason game, yet it only served as a simmer of greatness amongst moments of mediocrity.

Darren Fletcher will never be etched into the echleons of United’s history, yet he is a player who deserves every ounce of respect one can give. United’s own midfield virtuoso, Paul Scholes spoke at length about his unmatched moral character.

No one would have blamed him if he had decided to call it a day. He took a while to make up his mind over whether to have the operation on his large intestine, which was a success and put him on the road to a comeback two years ago.
Fletch’s experience with ulcerative colitis was horrendous. The closest I got to a career-ending condition was a dispersed blood clot on my eye that clouded my vision.

In an age where United’s youth are slowly rising to the challenges of the first team, their hopes and ambition are driven by the successes of The Class of ’92. The example of Fletcher should be one they draw inspiration from in their moments of truest self doubt.

In many ways he embodied the true values that formed the very fabric of the club. He wasn’t always the hero United wanted, but he was definitely the one they needed, and more importantly, deserved.

fletch tribute

photo credits: Getty images, Barclays photo stream

Ødegaard decoded: The rise of the next-gen galactico

They say a lot can happen in six months.
Never has that adage fit more aptly, than to describe just what Martin Ødegaard has been through.

Six months ago, he was a 15 year old, wondering how he’d juggle  exam preparation and football. Six months later, he stands boldly with Florentino Perez, presented as Real Madrid’s newest signing.

A gargantuan achievement for any footballer, let alone one at 16.

2014 proved a whirlwind year for the young Norwegian. When you look at the greats, and the defining moments of their career, they usually comes when they make their second or third signing to a big club. It happened with Zidane to Real, Henry to Arsenal, Buffon to Juve, the list is endless.  When you see a 15 year old making his club and national team debut in a space of 3 months however, you’re forced to re-evaluate.

odegaard 3

In a span of six months, the young Norwegian has spun a irresistible web around himself. Living every teenage football fan’s dream, was just another day in the life of the young Norwegian. Giving exclusive trials at Bayern, Liverpool, Manchester United, Barcelona and Real Madrid- simply living the impossible dream.

Impossible dreams do come to an end, but for young Ødegaard, that dream is far from over. Having the ability to pick between Europe’s greatest footballing powerhouses,Ødegaard chose Real Madrid.
A choice, that has had many peculiarly perplexed.

On one hand, it’s easy to see why he chose Los Blancos, it’s very easy.

They are the current champions of Europe, have a proven pedigree of the world’s best players and a following, that is amongst the largest on the world. They have all the money in the world, to train the best players from all over the world.

More importantly, the youth set-up at Real Madrid has been a peculiar omission in their otherwise endless list of achievements. Despite Iker Casillas being the only long serving memeber of the team, to emerge from the youth set-up, many current greats of the sport, began their journeys at the Castilla. The likes of Borja Valero, Juan Mata, Alvaro Negredo and past greats such as Javi and Luis Garcia had all begun their careers at Real Madrid’s second club. In addition to these, Players like Dani Carvajal, Jesé Rodriguez, Nacho Fernandez and Casemiro, have all got run-ins with the first team. Some of whom have gone to establish starting births at their club as well.

Odegaard would be wise to  learn from failures before him
Odegaard would be wise to learn from failures before him

With all the glamour of the youth system however, lies an inconvenient truth; it’s hardly a sustainable system of development. Flashback to 2002, Perez’ first stint in charge saw the birth of he Galacticos. A system, wherein the worlds best in every position would come together, and form the world’s best team. Along with this, Perez wanted to incorporate the youth, with the established stars, to give a  learning experience like no other. What was labelled the Zidane y Pavones system (after Zinedine Zidane and youth product Francisco Pavones) was ultimately flawed. The inability to blood-in the youth, left Real with a bastion of ageing superstars, all of whom had seen their best years. The crux was, that they felt they could get away with  paying their youth close to nothing, while continually overpaying their big name signings.

It was hardly a 'Thumbs Up' career for Francisco Pavones
It was hardly a ‘Thumbs Up’ career for Francisco Pavones

Ødegaard would be wise however to consider the example of Asier Illaramendi.
Bought for a whopping 35 million Euros last summer, Illaramendi was deemed my many critics as the natural heir to Xabi Alonso, both in terms of ability and facial hair. His signing, along with U-21 compatriot Isco, was seen as a move to secure Madrid’s midfield for may years to come. However, Illara’s chances to shine has been far and few between.

But his chances have been limited at the Bernabeu. Even with Luka Modric injured at the moment, Isco has been hoisted into a deeper midfield role to avoid Illarramendi playing.

Illara's potential exit, should serve as a timely warning
Illara’s potential exit, should serve as a timely warning

Such a fate doesn’t necessarily await the young Norwegian, but he must be alive to the fact that Madrid’s mind can change every milli-second.

Madrid’s attention has moved on from Illaramendi, as Perez aims to retrace his steps and not commit the same errors that plagued his first pool of Galacticos

Pete Jenson has suggested in The Independent that President Perez’s new obsession is finding the next Galactico before they’re a Galactico—saving himself money, but also having Madrid take the credit for the player’s development.

Ødegaard however will not slot into the starting XI, as his wage packet of 80k a week might lead you to believe. Being an active member of Zidane’s Castilla  would provide the perfect arena for the young Norwegian. His ability far exceeds anyone close to his age, and it wouldn’t at all be surprising to see him get a few sub appearances for the first team.

However, if there becomes a time when it looks like Ødegaard will not be the new Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi—however good he is, replicating their levels will be tough—then the club will waste no time in moving him on. They’ve done it with many others, and will continue to do so.

press conference

Odegaard however, harbours little reservation. The awareness he has for a man of his age may even lead you to believe that he’ll be the worlds best a lot sooner than most believe. He accepts his position at Castilla and admits that if Carlo Ancelotti deems fit, he’ll happily seize his opportunity.

Just because he’s good at 16, doesn’t mean he’ll still be good when he leaves his teens behind. Just because he’s signed for Real Madrid, it doesn’t mean he’s a superstar. The likes of Sergio Canales, Sahin, Robben, Huntelaar, Alvaro Morata and Deigo Lopes know exactly what Madrid is capable of, in the blink of an eye.

3-5-Too soon? Decoding the cryptic truth of van gaal’s code

” Four four insert obscenity of choice two!!”

It’s not often to see United fans scream in frustration. For long spells last season, the absence of tactic proved the bane of United’s existence. David Moyes’ tenure had been riddled with disappointment, un fulfillment and widespread mediocrity. With the arrival of Louis van Gaal, the United faithful finally saw a manager worthy of their pedigree. It becomes all the more ironic, when the same fans yell at that manager to make a tactical switch.

Admittedly, the first 60 minutes that United played against QPR, were nothing short of sheer agony. Despite having 70% possession, a near full-strength squad and the talent of Di Maria, Falcao and Rooney, United looked as predictable and archaic as ever. Though the formation has seen United rough some particularly rough spells, it’s something United as a club aren’t prepared for, and are unlikely to be.

Fans are desperate for the Dutchman to ditch his preferred 3-5-2, and former United full back Gary Neville, agrees;

They haven’t been taking risks in the 3-5-2 system […] I’m not a fan of 3-5-2. When you play that, you end up with your centre backs being the free men and that becomes a careful option, then it kicks into your mentality: ‘I’ve always got a safer pass.

Not one to leave his tactics questioned, van Gaal responded

I know in advance when we play with four midfielders in a diamond that we create more chances. But then the balance of the team is also weak. And you see it because we have created chances but also Queens Park Rangers have, and we have to decide every week how to play. That’s the question.

formation comparison

Despite the merit of some of his explanations, the United faithful are grown increasingly impatient. The potential that their attack possesses, has onlbehWeneenen in passing glances. When it has been on display, United look dangerous.

In what has often been the case, reverting back to the 3-5-2 system, stifles everything United have stood for. It hasn’t won them more games, it hasn’t brought more admiration, it hasn’t made them world class, but it has brought something far more fundamental, stability. 

To really analyse the madness behind the Dutchman’s method, it’s imperative to analyse base facts.

United have let go of eight first-teamers, and brought in six. Six, from five different leagues, six different teams, and six different playing styles. Added to this, is the fact that only one of six new players has started 4 consecutive games. A gaping 42 injuries have plagued every inch of United’s defence, midfield and attack. The result? Louis van Gaal’s hands are very tied. The reality? He’s managed his team within an inch of the top three; a sore sight for the eyes that witnessed United’s previous campaign.

So why does he keep coming back to it in light of seemingly viable alternatives?
Stubbornness has been suggested, something befitting his demeanour. He knows it hampers United in attack, and what could be more stubborn than a manager deliberately sabotaging his own team’s attacking prospects? What, in fact, could be more, as he puts it, schtupid?

One answer is defensive solidarity.
With those of you gaping bewilderment, the 3-5-2 has had United conceding far fewer goal While the idea that United is defensively solid, is a ludicrous assessment, the players at his disposal are both horrendously injury prone, visibly inexperienced, and one of them happens to be Tyler Blackett. Despite being painfully tragic to watch, United still boast the third best defence in he league. One of the pills, not so bitter to swallow.

A better goal difference Man City’s however, is down to the continued heroics of David De Gea. Time and time again, he’s saved United’s skin, from nearly un-winnable positions. On one hand, it shows his prowess as one of the world’s best shot stoppers. On the other, it shows that he is a world class player, playing in his proper position, something that the 3-5-2 wholly lacks.

Despite having Angel Di Maria, Wayne Rooney and Radamel Falcao in their ranks, the   3-5-2 has them unfairly shackled. The sight of seeing Wayne Rooney overrun in, shows the gaping shortcomings of the system. Against Yeovil, Southampton, and QPR, Wayne Rooney looked like an amateur, unable to provide any mobility with the ball. The man in his position, Di Maria faced a similar misplacement. Having rummaged through European defences as a central midfielder, it’s a waste having him isolated, with his back towards goal.

Wether or not van Gaal will eventually switch the two, is yet to be seen. The reality however, is that were likely to see more of the same.


A key issue of van Gaal’s current setup, is his use, or lack thereof, of wide players. Having been largely credit with renaissance of Ashley Young and Antonio Valencia, he has limited his real full backs to the periphery. Though Ashley Young and Valencia have risen to their roles as full backs, Rafael and Shaw don not seem at all comfortable. Luke Shaw, one of the premier league’s brightest talents, showed United his raw ability when deployed as a left back. With no in front, or behind him, he doesn’t seem to handle the responsibilities of marshalling the entire flank. The same can be said about his right sided counterpart, who often finds himself lost and horrendously over-exposed.

Over and above every shortcoming, is that the system is simply not The United Way. What constitutes that however, is a matter of much debate. The classic 4-4-2 the fans have so vocally demanded, is a hybrid of what United were famed for.

It would be great if Van Gaal felt able to play with four at the back, with flying wingers, with United pouring forward in wave after red wave of giddy attacking fervour; if he thought United could go out and batter games into submission before killing them off. But it seems that he doesn’t, however much we (and perhaps he) might like him to. And he does have evidence as to why that might be a bad idea: the one thing that must absolutely not be allowed to happen again this season is a repeat of that Leicester game, where United lined up with four at the back, scored three, generally played well, and then melted into the grass while Jamie Vardy, yes, Jamie Vardy — ran riot.


A freak result, perhaps. But you can understand why Van Gaal isn’t willing to risk his first season on that fact, and is happy to embrace sterile domination and muck his team up instead. Things might have been different had the right defender been available over the summer, but that’s speculation, and for all that United spent an absolute fortune, nobody is pretending that their squad is entirely satisfactory. As things stand he is currently on course to finish in the top four and qualify for the Champions League, which is what he was brought in to do.

In light of his credit card bill-like injury list, van Gaal has been forced into uncomfortable situations, with alarming regularity.

Van Gaal however, continues to elude the public to what exactly his ‘philosophy’ is. It’s likely not his aggressive system of total football, that made the likes of Ajax and Bayern. It’s not however a go-to defensive failsafe. It’s somewhere perplexingly in between. The intricacies of it, are locked deep within the walls of van Gaal’s intellect, and are likely to be for the near future. One truth does lie, that van Gaal will not show patience in the face of mediocrity. If United’s current crop do not adjust, or wisen up tactically, they will be deemed surplus to requirement. Van Gaal is one of the few managers left today, who’ll sideline even the best players in the world, if they aren’t up to his proverbial scratch. Just ask Luca Toni

The challenges of the Premier League will always prove daunting, to those unfamiliar with it. In Louis Van Gaal however, United have a manager who is of the highest pedigree. With a dogged sense of self belief and blunt honesty, incapsulated in statements such as;

“4-4-2 makes my ass twitch”

van Gaal is continually proving he will not be swayed by public opinion.

United often labour in Louis van Gaal’s current preferred formation: you know that, and so does he. The difference is that he doesn’t care.

The King’s last bow: The glorious tale of Thierry Henry

When I was younger I was trying to do what I wanted to do, not what the game wanted me to do.

-Thierry Henry

King Henry the VIIth separated the Church and state, leaving an unforgettable mark on European History

Thierry Henry separated the defences of his opponents, leaving behind an unforgettable mark on European football.

Through his career, Theirry Henry acquired greatness goals and gold. With an admirable amount of trophies to his name, Henry’s hunger kept him going beyond most reasonable expectations. Plying his trade in five different countries, Henry amassed over 400 goals, 100 assists, and scores upon scores of admirers.
Perhaps the most enduring aspect of his career, is they way in which he graced every grain of grass he came upon. From Highbury to Hampden Park, Henry’s career has changed what the world expects of a world class striker.

Fancy footwork and bright begginings
Fancy footwork and bright beginnings

Projected to be more of a winger as he progressed through Clairefontaine, the French Football Federation academy, that produced the likes of David Trezeguet and Nicolas Anelka, Thierry Henry’s greatness was discovered at a very early age. It was from here, that Henry met the spectre thin, spectacled frame of a figure we now know as Arsene Wenger. The friendship formed between the two, would go on to define Henry’s career in ways he had not begun to fathom.

After Wenger signed him on to Monaco, Henry, plying his trade on the left wing, lifted the Ligue Un title. Following a wasteful year at Juventus under Carlo Ancelotti, Henry was brought to Arsenal by Wenger, in a move that would serve epochal in the North London clubs’ history. Wenger believed that his rare blend of speed, technique, size and vision, made him the perfect forward for the modern game, even if he was one far removed from traditional British ideas about the No. 9.

The start of one of English football's greatest friendships
The start of one of English football’s greatest friendships

Working diligently, Henry quickly matured into the most feared striker in England, ending up the top league scorer four times (hitting the magical 30-goal mark once).His trademark finish, sliding into the box from the left, opening his body and side-footing a right-footed shot inside the far post, became a weekly sight around the country.

Whatever Arsenal’s form dictated in the day, Goalkeepers around the league would come into the game, without the slightest clue as to what special trick Henry would deploy.

 “What is remarkable is he doesn’t have the game of a goalscorer” lamented Arsene Wenger, “He has the game of a football player”

Henry became the apex of Wenger’s unique brand of total football. Building play from the wing, finding spaces in the blink of an eye, and finishing everywhere with the inside of his right foot, Thierry Henry was every inch, invincible. His 24 goals and 24 assists during the Invincibles run, just highlight his own personal importance in a magnificent side of team players.

The bitter pill that ended Henry's Arsenal affair
The bitter pill that ended Henry’s Arsenal affair

However, after a heartbreaking Champions League final loss in 2006, Henry painfully realised that the club were not heading in the direction he had hoped. They had gone without silverware for three years, and were celebrating a fourth place finish, and not a first place victory. The time had inevitably come, and Henry left Arsenal.

What proceeded thence was a spell at Barcelona, where Henry fulfilled his ultimate dreams. Despite playing third fiddle to an attack trio of himself, Eto’o and Ronaldinho, Henry lifted the only silverware missing from his glittering CV- The UEFA Champions League.

Reflections are best seen in sterling silver
Reflections are best seen in sterling silver

In many ways Barcelona became a step down for Henry. He was no longer the big fish he was accustomed to being at Arsenal, yet he played a respectable part in a team that is regarded as one of the greatest sides in modern football. Seven titles in eight years was in many ways, a material representation of the stature he possessed; forever hungry, forever fantastic.

Henry’s contribution to the national team, still however remains a confounding black mark, on an otherwise spotless career. Dazzling the international scene, a young Henry was a key member of Les Blues consecutive World Cup (98) and European Championship (2000) sides, that  solidified France as the world’s footballing superpower. His goals proved vital, and his presence potent. His proficiency for the French is exacerbated by the fact, that beyond after his retirement, France are nowhere closer to finding a number 9 of his quality .

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A handball against the Republic of Ireland in a World Cup play-off, an incident that ultimately qualified his country for the 2010 tournament in South Africa but also sparked a rare spell of public criticism, also ensured the often-fickle French public remained cool towards him. For whatever reason, he was not beloved by the French public as much as players like Trezeguet and Petit, who weren’t even close in stature.

He had his fair share of detractors. Johann Crochet, chief editor Goal France once said,

“That handball against Ireland in 2009 meant a lot of French people were not proud of qualifying. Not only did he cheat, but he reacted poorly afterwards, chatting away with Richard Dunne. A second issue is his perceived arrogance – if French people call you arrogant then you must be doing something wrong, And the way he celebrated his goals – or rather the way he didn’t – made him look bored to fans”

However badly the media portrayed it, Henry always found his French teammates, fighting in his defence. Amongst them, Emmanuel Petit famously said

“In England, they’ve built a statue of Thierry.That means a lot. He is revered there. This bad image [according to L’Equipe] of Thierry Henry, it annoys me. I have great difficulty with the French. I have never seen such arrogant, smug, lying and hypocritical people.”

Whichever way it’s looked, Henry still remains his country’s all time leading goal scorer with 51 scalps. He’s won the French Player of the Year twice, and won everything that there is to win with Les Blues, he’s given nothing else than 100% for his national team, something that can be said for only a small hand full of his national team compatriots.

Henry’s legacy was re-established when he returned to Arsenal on loan in 2012, for The New York Red Bulls. The appreciation of his presence was not felt at the Emirates alone, stadia around England stood up in gratitude to witness, perhaps for the last time, the magic on the Frenchman. Upon taking the field as a substitute against Leeds, Henry’s arrival was meet with choric reverie. HIs goal, only minutes later however, was met with a cheer that would put the Sistine Chapel to shame. It was quintessential Henry. Moments like that are why his legacy will endure.

As French football evolves as rapidly as it has under Deschamps, Henry will still be looked upon by the current crop with much admiration. A pioneer, a perfectionist, a player, who was governed by little else, than his love for the game.

After all,It had to be, Thierry Henry.

henry statue
as the saying goes, a canon is always cast in Bronze

Merci Titi

Agony and Ecstacy: What we learned from United v. Liverpool

It’s quite remarkable what can happen in the League in twelve months.
After a 3-0 Victory at Old Trafford, Liverpool were on cloud nine, United hit rock bottom, and the proverbial nail was hammered into the coffin that was David Moyes’ tenure at the club. Twelve months on however, United won the corresponding fixture by the same scoreline, sending United third, Liverpool 10th and quite possibly costing Brendan Rodger’s his job.

Football, bloody hell.

The match, in effect, also made five things abundantly clear.

Louis Van Gaal deserves more credit

In many ways, Louis van Gaal seemed the perfect fit for United. Charisma, pragmatism and a nuanced understanding of the game, but perhaps his most redeeming quality, is his brute Honesty. While Rodgers deluded himself with superlatives at the season’s start, Van Gaal was fully aware of the unpredictability of the premier league. He got a taste of it first-hand. A Home loss to Swansea and abject draws against Burnley and Sunderland had many questioning his superiority over his predecessor. Come Christmas however, van Gaal has firmly positioned United in the top four, and may yet challenge further.

Despite being dealt a gauntlet of injuries, Van Gaal has adjusted his side to surprising effect. Without Rafael and Shaw, he’s converted the much maligned pair of Valencia and Young, into respectable full backs. Both were instrumental in the first two goals, as well as keeping the likes of Moreno and Sterling, firmly at bay.
Despite having to play a different combination at the heart of defence, virtually every single game, van Gaal has emerged with his reputation intact. Blooding the youth prospects of McNair and Blackett, van Gaal has not only preserved United’s traditions, but has also introduced promising alternatives to his unreliable first teamers.

While six wins on the bounce, including the scalps of Arsenal, Southampton and Liverpool, would have any manager smiling, Louis is under no illusions. Demanding consistency and intelligence, the Dutchman is far from convinced by his sides’ performances, as he believes there is much room for improvement.
Yet, his brutal honesty is a far cry from his predecessors lamenting that.

“City are at the level we aspire to be at”

Rodger’s might not get the time he truly requires

                       From Manger of the year, To a man maligned

Like his Dutch counterpart, Brendan Rodger’s knew that his multitude of signings would require time to adjust. Unlike the Dutchman however, Rodgers bought three players already accustomed to the Premier League. However, they were three players from a eighth-place team, without any European experience. The fact that out of those three, Lambert and Lallana were plying their trade in the championship only three seasons back, doesn’t bode well when your challenging for European glory.

For all the praise bestowed upon Brendan, and rightly so, his manager of the year trophy only serves to highlight the extent of his pitfall.

The onus however, doesn’t lie on Brendan alone. A core of the players who drove his team forward have been mediocre at best. Despite being named vice-captain, Jordan Henderson has lost the drive and inventiveness that proved to be his own renaissance. Lovren and Skrtel look like players who would get bullied by AFC Wimbledon later this month, forget United and their three strikers that have played in Daniel Sturridge’s absence, have scored a solitary premier league goal between themselves. Add to that the odd signings of Lazar Markovic, an inexperienced Emre Can, and you have an equation that’s nowhere close to being balanced. Though Sturridge’s long term absence has left a creative void, no one from Liverpool has felt the need to step up. Not even remotely. Such a situation in only exacerbated, when all their hopes fall onto a 35 year old Gerrard and a 19 year old Sterling to create something out of nothing. Despite having all of his preseason claims, haunting him in retrospect, Liverpool must stick behind Rodgers. He has proven his worth before, and with far fewer resources. If Liverpool think things will get better with a new manager, they’d be advised to reconsider.

United must give De Gea a new contract. Now

The current lexicon of superlatives, don’t do David De Gea justice. They don’t come close. Social media has tried, and succeeded to some extent, but the hype is more than justified. After saving United time and time again, David De Gea has proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he is United’s MVP. it’s made all the more remarkable considering the rapturous start he endured in 2011. Since then, he’s had three different goalkeeping coaches, 21 different CB pairings in front of him and a constant slew of defences errors leaving him to pick up the pieces. All this however, has transformed De Gea into a ‘keeper who is nothing short of world class. His presence in the box is more dominant, his physicality more encouraging and his decisiveness is perhaps the sharpest in the world.
His indispensability is ratified by his believes only De Gea is a guaranteed starter, along with his captain. Van Gaal’s constant shifts between a back 3 and a back 4, would have most keepers flummoxed. However where others may founder, De Gea has proved to be United’s strongest line of defence. All this has led to intense speculation regarding the Spaniards future at the club. With his contract running out in 2016, fans alike have urged the board to give him a blank cheque. Doing everything humanly possible to keep De Gea from leaving should be United’s no.1 transfer priority. With the eyes of Real ever lurking, a return to Spain, on top of his game, might yet be a prospect too tempting to reject.

Liverpool must add quality not quantity.

liverpool strikers
                  Numbers don’t lie, though Liverpool might wish they did

With Suarez’ exit in the summer, the stage was set for Daniel Sturridge to ascend from second-in-command to  a leader up top. Initial matches would’ve suggested such a change, and a 3-0 victory over Spurs would’ve been an exemplification. However, a long injury lay-of meant that Liverpool’s three remaining strikers- Borini, Lambert and Balotelli had a real chance at solidifying their place. They couldn’t. There all round ineptitude led to an absence of the firepower that literally carried Liverpool to second place.

The conundrum now facing Liverpool, is wether or not they’ll splurge on transfers. Despite a favourable transfer balance, reinvesting in their squad will prove more challenging than at the start of the summer. Absence from the Champions League, and bleak top 4 prospects, will financially impact Liverpool more than they expect. Their challenge now, is to address the situation like United have, and bring in tried and tested quality into their club. barring Steven Gerrard, they have little Premier League and European experience within the ranks. Experience, that could’ve saved Liverpool from falling as far as they currently have.

Carrick’s return has proved a perfectly time catalyst for United

Carrick heat map
Though tasked with holding midfield, Carrick was more than present at centre back

Metronomic Mike has been a revelation at United since his return from injury. It should thus come as no surprise, that his return to the side, 6 games ago, has led to 6 straight victories. At the heart of midfield, Carrick’s range of distribution has given United’s attacker a crucial supply line, as well as providing a
balance in midfield. His most telling contribution however, is the sheer calm he’s added to an often edgy United attack. Despite returning from a long lay off, Carras has been deployed in a plethora of roles under van Gaal, most notably at Centre Back. Against Liverpool, he served as the rock between Jones and Evans, thwarting Balotelli and Sterling. Despite his advanced years, Carrick continues to prove a breath of fresh air every time he’s deployed.
However, Carrick turns 33 next year. Unlike his predecessor though, Louis Van Gaal prepared for the future by signing Daley Blind. The world cup star, before his injury in early November, was United’s most consistent presence in midfield. His strength, stamina and defensive positioning served as a throwback to the Carrick of old. With his prospective return in the new year, van Gaal can rotate both Blind and Carrick to great effect. Carrick can prove a great mentor to Dutch counterpart, simultaneously lengthening his career and assuring that of Blind’s.

With six wins in as many games, and players slowly returning from injury, United’s best is still to come. Liverpool will have to start convincing everyone, all over again, because their ever faithful supporters, deserve better.
stevie g looking on

Let’s Football: The New Sermon of Indian Soccer

False Dawn, or Firestarter?
False Dawn, or Firestarter?

It might be grammatically incorrect, but this simple two-word phrase has sparked, what will hopefully become, the fire of Indian football

The launch  premier Indian Soccer League, was met with near choric approval. For many avid followers, and lovers of the sport, it’s inception had been a long time coming.
From burning the midnight oil to watch late champions league games, letting your mood be determined by the performance of the team one supported, football has long gripped this nation of spectators.

Having spent years on end watching cricket grip the country in a semi-religious fervour, I often wondered how Indian football would flourish with even one-tenth of their budget. With the launch of the Indian Premier League, came the dawn of a new method of popularising sports in India. The widely successful league created the formula for many other sports to emerge from their limited viewership. Thought the Indian Badminton League didn’t reach the same
zenith, the Pro Kabaddi League of earlier this year, reached astronomical popularity.

The potential of the marriage between football and money, could’ve remained un achieved for only so long, as Reliance finally put their money behind a sport.

The outcome however, has far exceeded expectation.

Apart from a few International stars who are passed their prime, The ISL boasts of World Cup Winners, European Champion, household names and even a member of the ‘Invincibles’. Players such as Alessandro Del Piero, Robert Pires and Mikael Silvestre, are all tried and tested stalwarts of the game, who’ll bring more than just their reputations to the table.

Alessandro Del Piero

What the ISL brings on the table is investors who are willing to take a massive hit at least for the next five to six years in order to build the property before hoping for any commercial gains. The new league has celeb owners from the world of cricket and Bollywood apart from corporate investment which has added the glitz and glamour.

The ISL’s primary aim is to ensure that the masses take to the sport. What better way to capture the imagination of the public than asking former cricketing greats to promote football’s cause.

While the die-hard football fans would cringe stating that football doesn’t need to be ‘Bollywoodized’, the fact of the matter is that the masses do follow what some of the above mentioned personalities do. The more John Abraham and Ranbir Kapoor get involved, the more fans of their will too.

What will ultimately make or break the league, will be the on-field performances. That being said, there will be many hoping to create a kind of atmosphere a kin to those of European stadiums. After years of watching the Premier League and it’s counterparts from the comfort of their sofas, fans of the game will relish the opportunity to turn up in numbers, and watch the biggest footballing spectacle to hit the nation.

Purists will nitpick, that the two and a half month duration is far to short to create any reasonable fan base. While some concerns might be warranted, the shorter duration might have the potential to create intense competition, with a swift resolution. The duration isn’t any much shorter than a majority of the reality shows in India, which engage a viewership in the tens of millions. The overarching idea is that it’s easy to keep the attention concentrated on a particular show for a short period than something which lasts through the year.

Achieving his lifelong dream of seeing Football, front and centre
Achieving his lifelong dream of seeing Football, front and centre

The tournament, to be played in a round-robin format, will then move around the country to the seven other cities.

The top four sides will qualify for the semi-finals, which will be played over two legs, with the winners advancing to a one-off final.

While the inaugural season will have a novelty factor and has all the ingredients to be a commercial success, critics believe it will be the quality and intensity of play that will be crucial in sustaining the appeal.

With all the glitz and glamour, one has to keep in mind that projects like this have failed in the past. Despite the meteoric rise of the IPL in it’s first two seasons, it’s focus on things other than cricket led to it’s dramatic decline in viewership and overall popularity. Though glitz and glamour are accepted part of the league, upholding the quality of football must not be subordinated. For the country to truly appreciate the sport, the play itself should be enough to attract viewership. However, it’s no harm in trying as many unconventional approaches, when traditional ideas have failed.

So, with some expectation, and a growing desire to see it succeed, the time has come,

Let’s Football!

Derby Day Grudge Game: Mourinho v. Wenger

Mou wenger
Special One v. Le Professeur

There are many things weighing heavily on Arsene Wenger’s mind.

Defensive frailties, Midfield Lapses, a never ending injury crisis, the works.
However, unlike past encounters with the Blues, vengeance will an important cognitive element.

Arsenal were given a lesson in total football, as a buoyant Chelsea handed Arsenal there worst defeat in their premier league history, 6-0. Despite heading into the encounter desperately short on morale, this was a performance no one should’ve witnessed. Abject, and absence exemplified the comical nature of Arsenal’s defeat.

Not one to hold back however, Jose Mourinho dubbed Wenger a “Specialist in Failure”. Though the arrogance was unapologetic, Mourinho’s record against Wenger hangs over like death himself. Having not bested the Special One,  maybe one of the only ink stains on Wenger’s otherwise successful career, yet Le Professeur comes undone at every encounter with the Portuguese.

The bickering however begun with Wenger, who in 2005 criticised Mourinho’s tactics.

“I know we live in a world where we have only winners and losers, but once a sport encourages teams who refuse to take the initiative, the sport is in danger.”

The rant however morphed into an articulate jab at Chelsea’s free-spending policy. Not to be outdone, Mourinho bit back.

“I think he is one of these people who is a voyeur. He likes to watch other people. There are some guys who, when they are at home, have a big telescope to see what happens in other families. He speaks, speaks, speaks about Chelsea.”

The passive aggressive war of words was then quantified, and in typical Mourinho style, displayed with dry humour.

“At Stamford Bridge, we have a file of quotes from Mr Wenger about Chelsea football club in the last 12 months – it is not a file of five pages. It is a file of 120 pages so we have a very strong reaction. My objective is that it is enough.”

As far as Wenger’s arguments, about Money and the spirit of the game, are valid, his niggling resistance at change has culminated in a not-so-favourable record against Mourinho.

Head to head,however  it doesn’t look like much competition.

Competition Mourinho wins Draws Wenger wins Goals for Mourinho Goals for Wenger
Premier League 3 5 0 13 4
League Cup 2 0 0 4 1
Community Shield 1 0 0 2 1
Total 6 5 0 19 6

Though the rivalry seems fairly skewered in favour of Mourinho, neutrals cannot separate Chelsea as a club, and Chelsea under Mourinho.
During the period from 2006-2013, Arsenal matched Chelsea at every blow. League Cup victories as well as a come-from-behind 5-3 victory, all proved how dangerous Arsenal can be.

Mourinho however has made a different Chelsea this time around, than when he started in 2004. His ability to adapt to change is unparalleled in his current generation, and his intelligence unfathomable. The team he has created this season can rub shoulders with the very best in Europe. In the Premier League, he has proven his ability to change. An ability that has given him an unparalleled lead in the Premier League.

The fight however, is far from over. Despite finishing fourth last season, Arsenal still had something Chelsea did not- A Trophy. Regardless of his iron clad record against rival opposition, Mourinho’s Chelsea had failed to acquire any silverware. Finishing third also didn’t highlight the “One” as quite so “Special”

This season on however, both teams seem to have learned from past errors, to give this match-up a different dynamic than the previous meetings. Both teams come in to the tie undefeated. Though Chelsea’s form might give them the advantage, Arsenal are riding on season best display against Galatasaray.

Costa Welbeck
In Form, On Target

Both Diego Costa and Danny Welbeck will be increasingly central to their respective teams’ attacks. Both sides also boast creative and attacking flair, with the likes of Sanchez, Ozil, Hazard and Willian all likely to start. Chelsea’s  defense might be better stocked than that of their city rivals, but players like Oxlade-Chamberlain and Sanchez will prove more than a handful for Azpilacueta and Co.

Arsenal’s injuries will put them at a visible handicap, but Wenger must rely on experience and creativity to overcome what is an extremely tight-knit Chelsea side.

One facet that could greatly influence Arsenal’s play, is deploying Mesut Ozil in his preferred central role behind the striker. The mercurial German has gone through a bad spell of form, stretching from February, through the World Cup. However, Arsenal’s recent success against Aston Villa will keep Wenger well informed of Ozil’s true potential.

The game will also feature Cesc Fabregas’ fist game against the Gunners. Having grown into the playmaker he is today, at Arsenal, this game will be particularly painful for the Arsenal supporters who believed  Cesc would return to the Emirates. Fabregas will be central to Mourinho’s plans, not only for his devastating form, but for his inner knowledge of Wenger’s style of play.

Taking into account injuries, this is what I believe the Likely Starting XI’s will be

Screen Shot 2014-10-04 at 11.11.53 pm   Screen Shot 2014-10-04 at 11.16.27 pm

In what’s building up to be the weekend’s most exciting clash, both teams know that a victory can influence the League table greatly.

For The Special One it’ll be a golden opportunity to cement Chelsea’s place at the top
For Le Professeur it’ll be a shot at redemption, against an all to cumbersome competition.